Fulton Hall 354B
Telephone: 617-552-0464
Email: graves@jishuoba.com
Professor Sam Graves has done research in the fields of quantitative optimization models for R&D investment, and social responsibility in public companies. His current research interest is in the field of behavioral issues in managerial decision making.
“Patient project management: Discounting with hyperbolic functions.” (With Jeffrey Ringuest.) Managerial and Decision Economics, 33 (7-8), 453-462. May, 2012.
“Probabilistic dominance criteria for comparing uncertain alternatives: A tutorial.” (With Jeffrey Ringuest.) Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, 37 (2), 346-357. April, 2009.
“A multiobjective evolutionary approach for linearly constrained project selection under uncertainty.” (With Andres Medaglia and Jeffrey Ringuest.) European Journal of Operations Research, 179 (3), 869-894. June, 2007.
“Mean-Gini analysis in R&D portfolio selection.” (With Jeffrey Ringuest and Randy Case.) European Journal of Operational Research, 154 (1), 157-169. April, 2004.
“Responsibility: the new business imperative.” (With Sandra Waddock and Charles Bodewell.) Academy of Management Executive, 16 (2), 132-148. May, 2002.
“Beyond built to last: Stakeholder relations in ‘Built to Last’ companies.” (With Sandra Waddock.) Business and Society Review, 105 (4), 393-418. December, 2002.
“Acceptance sampling and reliability: The tradeoff between component quality and redundancy.” (With David Murphy and Jeffrey Ringuest.) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 38 (1), 79-91. January, 2000.
“Conditional stochastic dominance in R&D portfolio selection.” (With Jeffrey Ringuest and Randy Case.) IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 47 (4), 478-484. November, 2004.
“A sampling-based method for generating nondominated solutions in stochastic MOMP problems.” (With Jeffrey Ringuest.) European Journal of Operational Research, 126 (3), 651-661.
“Acceptance sampling vs. redundancy as alternative means to achieving goals for system reliability.” (With David Murphy and Jeffrey Ringuest.) International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 16 (4), 362-370. June, 1999.
“The corporate social performance-financial performance link.” (With Sandra Waddock.) Strategic Management Journal, 18 (4), 303-319. April, 1999. Winner of 1997 Moskowitz Prize.